Enphase means business
Safe, smart, and powerful energy systems for business
The Commercial Enphase Energy System lowers reliance on the power grid, saves money on operating costs, and allows you to scale your future energy needs. With safety at the forefront, we offer peace of mind for sensitive sites like gas stations, firehouses, schools, multi-family units, hospitals, warehouses, and more. Join the growing number of commercial businesses and non-profit organizations that chose Enphase to help conserve energy and serve the people and communities that depend on them most. That’s why Enphase means business.
Safety first
The Enphase IQ Microinverter design is the safest choice for solar. Unlike systems with a central inverter, Enphase solar never contains high-voltage, direct current (DC) power, eliminating the risk of fault fires.

Certified for rain or shine
All Enphase IQ Microinverters are all-weather with a NEMA 6 rating. A double-insulated, corrosion-resistant polymer housing means they’re rated to withstand just about anything Mother Nature can throw at them.
In severe weather like hurricanes, FEMA recommends microinverter technology like ours for its better performance and reliability.
Responsive and responsible
Enphase Energy Systems include built-in rapid shutdown so that, in any emergency, your solar power can be turned off instantly and easily, keeping utility workers and first responders safe.

Ready for today and tomorrow
Enphase solar has a plug-and-play design. As your energy needs grow over the years, an installer can plug in more solar panels and microinverters.
Better over time
Get free over-the-air software updates that bring innovative new features to your solar system and the Enphase App.

Manage your site from anywhere
With the Enphase Installer Portal, you’re in control, on-site and on the go. Track power generation, usage, and savings—down to which appliances consume the most energy. Monitor and share your system’s performance to make informed decisions about your business.
A bright idea,
even in low light
If one panel stops working, the power keeps flowing and the lights stay on—even through shadows, snow, or roof debris. Our Burst Mode technology allows individual panels to begin producing energy earlier in the day for more hours of powerful performance.

Industry-leading warranty
Enphase IQ Microinverters are covered by a 25-year limited warranty.
Don’t take our word for it
Whether you’d like to be carbon neutral, want to reduce sky-high electricity bills, or need to fulfill building mandates, Enphase and our solar installation partners can design a system that will meet the unique demands of your property and business.